Sunday, 22 September 2013

Art using my art!

Someone used my stock background art, Mistvale, in their own artwork and I'm so pleased to see it that I had to post it here. Check out the lovely artwork of Bloody_magpies from Deviantart:

Thursday, 19 September 2013

4 am

I love the pine boughs
At 4 am
When everything's wrong
But their blackness
Against the shaded
Deep navy blues
Of night
And that little hint of silvery light
Kissing the spaces
Between rooftops
Reminding me
To breathe deep
Look beyond
Swell the heart
Against something
So vast, so beautiful, so cold.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

The Home

Expanded on some twitter micropoetry, expressing the experience of working in a dingy nursing home.

The Home

Florid sacks
Of fluid
We slosh around all these
Ghosts burning in our guts;
We give them

Dribbling, moaning
They fester their last hour
Slumped, twitching
Against the dusty blue dusk
Of a tiled hall

Hugging their jumbled
Cold gray bones
We close our eyes

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Don't be afraid to feel. Fear is never strength.

There are a lot of people in this world who seem, on some level, afraid of their own emotions. They mask them with sarcasm, irony, logic, substance abuse, denial, or some other form of distraction.

I am one of those people, and it’s silly. Why are we, as a culture, so ashamed to feel? What’s weak about crying? Emotions are the very thing that give power to all we do. The more emotion you can poignantly convey when you create, the more powerful and moving your creation. The more emotion you feel in a touch, or when you look out over a stunning natural vista, or greatest of all when you see the sun dapple on a weed in gravel and suddenly understand that it’s marvelous, the more you understand about life and the more you appreciate it.

The ability to feel strongly is a gift. Don’t hold back.

Thursday, 5 September 2013


I blog a fair bit over at Tumblr... if you're on there, let's stalk one another ;)